




📍 Aberdeen, Scotland

We are interesting and interested in things that interest us and that are passionately interesting. SPEAKING of passion, we doodle end. The ideas of our ideas are our ideas except when they are stolen. Our practice is something we have thankfully never had to practice. Yet practice makes perfect so perhaps practicing practitioners have not knot knock knock who's there? The flow of unfolding chaos and unpacking cases incase. We are the captains of our shits yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh. The first rule of fight club. Endless joy and laughter the exchange (and return) of bodily fluid, colour theory boy do you know?? Impulse: can you smell it too? Thinking outside of the co-op and standard European doorways we hope to double our height and chances. How many people are under the trench coat? Only sentiments never sediment of tenderness towards and sometimes behind each other we explore our curiosities. Curiously curious of our curious curiosities through various mediums we are small and large. Large and in charge sipping on marge-aritas we have a thirst for more that will permeate your mind, body and hole.